
Hello all. It’s been a great while since our last post. Excuse us, but there was a revolution going on, and we couldn’t stay still.

A lot has happened in the few months post the Jan 25 revolution.

We issued two new books:

Hello, It’s a Muslim Calling:

This book combines the talents of five Muslim writers, speaking candidly about the stereotypes, and problems faced by Muslims, specifically Arabs in the western world, as well as the Eastern world.  The writers are: Sara Abou Bakr, Shady AbdelSalam, May Kosba, Sarah Ayman (also author of Little Pearls) and Thoraia Abou Bakr.

The Middle East is changing once again, but this time by its own people and before the eyes of the world. For once, the people are the center of attention of the news, giving the West a chance to be reacquainted with Middle Easterns.

This book is written by young Egyptian Muslim professionals; in it, they narrate their own views of the world, their roles in them and how they are perceived. They try in their own words to answer questions asked by many westerners.

How different are Muslims from the rest of the world? Are they THAT different? Do they really have negative feelings towards the west? Does phobia really exist between Westerns and Muslims? Can Muslims converse?

This book you hold in your hand is a candid discussion of the status quo of the West and Muslims.

It is not written by political experts.

It is written by middle class Egyptians, who care about the world.

In this book you shall read about the history of Egypt and the current political dilemma of the Middle East, a young veiled girls testimonial and a theatrical dramatization of the current conditions in the form of a play.

This book is a collection of well-constructed thoughts of Egyptian Muslims seeking dialogue with the world, and hoping to put in the spotlight the true image of a young budding Middle East.

We also had a vigorous book discussion at Alef Book Store in Zamalek, in which both audience and writers got to express their views regarding Muslims, the western world and the revolution as well. We thank Alef bookstores for their hospitality and Mr.Emad in particular for his wit and wonderful hosting.

This just in: Chapter 4 of “Hello,It’s a Muslim Calling”, which is a dramatic play called “The Triangle” by Thoraia Abou Bakr  will be taught to young minds at Misr Language Schools as part of the focus on young Egyptian playwrights.

Al Toota- التوتة:

It’s a collection of short, very inspiring and well-thought of Arabic stories that aim at working the mind as well as  enlivening the heart.

Our amazing writer is Al Sayed Al Badawy (not related to the  Egyptian political figure), who combines his love for poetry and his great Arabic writing style in the stories.

Here are some excerpts from the book:

” إذا أردت أن توقف قطارا مسرعا فمن الجنون أن تقف أمامه ، بل أحضر له قطارا مثله ليصده ويوقفه . وأين لى أنا وحدى بهذا القطار ” 
……… سهام …….. قصة على شاطيء العجمى 

” فهو فى تلك الدنيا كورقة شجر سقطت فى أدغال أفريقيا وأنت تجلس على مقهى فى وسط البلد ، هل سمعت عن هذه الورقة شيء ” 
………. الفكهاني 
” إن أبناء فلسطين يولدون من بطون أمهاتهم ممسكين بالحجارة ، فهى سلاحهم الوحيد فى زمان قل فيه ناصرهم وكثر فيه واترهم ” 
………. ميلاد شهيد 
” فلم تتمالك الروح نفسها من هول الصدمة فإندفعت بشدة قافزة فى جسدها لتعود وتدب في ذلك الجسد ، ليقوم الرجل من مضجعه ” 
………. الروح
” ليشاهد الشاب المثقف المتعلم هذا المشهد ويبتسم إبتسامة المقهور الذليل قائلاً يا ليتنى كنت …… !!!! 
………. قطرة 
” ليجيب عم محمود قائلاً … نحن أسعد حظاً من هؤلاء فنحن ننتظر ضيفاً آخر . نحن ننتظر الموت ” 
……. عم محمود ……. إنتظار 


All our books are available at Diwan, Shorouk, Alef Bookstores, Book Spot Online, Madbouly and by online order via saraypublishing.com.

See you all soon 😀

Ring in the New Year with one of “Little Pearls” ‘s Sarah Ayman’s top reads for 2011.

10…9…8____3…2…1… READ 😀

The Secret contains wisdom from modern-day teachers — men and women who have used it to achieve health, wealth, and happiness. By applying the knowledge of The Secret, they bring to light compelling stories of eradicating disease, acquiring massive wealth, overcoming obstacles, and achieving what many would regard as impossible.

Other Colors: Though the latest book from Nobel Prize-winning Pamuk (Istanbul, Snow) is a standard late-career essay collection, it makes clear the reasons behind the Turkish author’s acclaim. Eschewing flash and flourish, Pamuk’s style is plain, simple and persuasive-but therein lies its subtle power, well represented over more than 75 pieces divided into sections like “Living and Worrying” and “Politics, Europe, and Other Problems of Being Oneself.”

The Alchemist: This inspirational fable by Brazilian author and translator Coelho has been a runaway bestseller throughout Latin America and seems poised to achieve the same prominence here. The charming tale of Santiago, a shepherd boy, who dreams of seeing the world, is compelling in its own right, but gains resonance through the many lessons Santiago learns during his adventures. He journeys from Spain to Morocco in search of worldly success, and eventually to Egypt, where a fateful encounter with an alchemist brings him at last to self-understanding and spiritual enlightenment.

Veronika Decides to Die: Veronika, 24, works in a library in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and rents a room in a convent; she is an attractive woman with friends and family, but feelings of powerlessness and apathy tempt her to find “freedom” in an overdose of sleeping pills. When Veronika awakens in the purgatory of Villete, the country’s famous lunatic asylum, she is told her suicide attempt weakened her heart and she has only days to live.

ترانيم في ظل تمارا :آخر ما كتب الأديب محمد عفيفى وقد تناول مشاهد عديدة فى ظل شجرته تمارا وبوجود شخصيات حيوانية كالقط والضفدع والفراشة


The definitive book for Body Language: It is a scientific fact that people’s gestures give away their true intentions. Yet most of us don’t know how to read body language–and don’t realize how our own physical movements speak to others. Now the world’s foremost experts on the subject share their techniques for reading body language signals to achieve success in every area of life.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Stephen Covey, an internationally respected leadership authority, realizes that true success encompasses a balance of personal and professional effectiveness, so this book is a manual for performing better in both arenas. His anecdotes are as frequently from family situations as from business challenges.

Self esteem for Women: This guide shows how, by using a mixture of visualization techniques, positive affirmations and a five-step programme for change, women can change their lives. Women can learn to believe in themselves, increase their self-esteem, how to succeed in love and enjoy their personal power.

Harry Potter(all seven books): Follow Harry from his first days at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, through his many adventures with Hermione and Ron, to his confrontations with rival Draco Malfoy and the dreaded Professor Snape, He who shall not be named and many more.

Collected Stories by Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Collected here are twenty-six of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s most brilliant and enchanting short stories, presented in the chronological order of their publication in Spanish from three volumes: Eyes of a Blue Dog,Big Mama’s Funeral, and The Incredibleand Sad Tale of lnnocent Eréndira and Her Heartless Grandmother. Combining mysticism, history, and humor, the stories in this collection span more than two decades, illuminating the development of Marquez’s prose and exhibiting the themes of family, poverty, and death that resound throughout his fiction.

Eat, Pray, Love:  At the age of thirty-one, Gilbert moved with her husband to the suburbs of New York and began trying to get pregnant, only to realize that she wanted neither a child nor a husband. Three years later, after a protracted divorce, she embarked on a yearlong trip of recovery, with three main stops: Rome, for pleasure (mostly gustatory, with a special emphasis on gelato); an ashram outside of Mumbai, for spiritual searching; and Bali, for “balancing.”

A Million Little Pieces: Frey is pretender to the throne of the aggressive, digressive, cocky Kings David: Eggers and Foster Wallace. Pre-pub comparisons to those writers spring not from Frey’s writing but from his attitude: as a recent advance profile put it, the 33-year-old former drug dealer and screenwriter “wants to be the greatest literary writer of his generation.” While the Davids have their faults, their work is unquestionably literary. Frey’s work is more mirrored surface than depth, but this superficiality has its attractions.


رجال حول الرسول: سيرة وحياة ستين شخصية إسلامية كان لها أثر مباشر في نشر الدين الإسلامي، والدعوة إلى الله تعالى

Memoirs of a Geisha: “I wasn’t born and raised to be a Kyoto geisha….I’m a fisherman’s daughter from a little town called Yoroido on the Sea of Japan.” How nine-year-old Chiyo, sold with her sister into slavery by their father after their mother’s death, becomes Sayuri, the beautiful geisha accomplished in the art of entertaining men, is the focus of this fascinating first novel.

The picture of Dorian Gray: Dorian Gray’s picture grows aged and corrupt while he continues to appear fresh and innocent. After he kills a young woman, “as surely as if I had cut her little throat with a knife,” Dorian Gray is surprised to find no difference in his vision or surroundings. “The roses are not less lovely for all that. The birds sing just as happily in my garden.”

الزيني بركات :تعد رواية الزيني بركات لجمال الغيطاني من الروايات البارزة في الروايات العربية التي عالجت ظاهرة القمع والخوف واتكأت على أسبابها وبينت مظاهرها المرعبة في الحياة العربية

النبي :الترجمة العربية لكتاب “النبى” لمؤلفه جبران خليل جبران والذى يصور فيه نبى يحاول أن ينشر دعواه فى الناس وأسلوبه فى سبيل ذلك

Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran: Set in the 1960 in Paris’ Jewish Quarter, Monsieur Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran is about a troubled Jewish boy, Moses, or Momo, who strikes up an unlikely friendship with a solitary Muslim shopkeeper named Monsieur Ibrahim.

Tuesdays with Morrie: We meet Morrie Schwartz–a one of a kind professor, whom the author describes as looking like a cross between a biblical prophet and Christmas elf. And finally we are privy to intimate moments of Morrie’s final days as he lies dying from a terminal illness. Even on his deathbed, this twinkling-eyed mensch manages to teach us all about living robustly and fully.

Hello all and merry Christmas,

As promised Here is our very own authors’ pick of their top reads for the holiday season. We start off with “To Each Her Own” Inji Amr’s reading list.

The Kite Runner follows the story of Amir, the privileged son of a wealthy businessman in Kabul, and Hassan, the son of Amir’s father’s servant; both children in the relatively stable Afghanistan of the early 1970s.

The Unbearable Lightness of Being: A young woman is in love with a successful surgeon, a man torn between his love for her and his incorrigible womanizing. His mistress, a free-spirited artist, lives her life as a series of betrayals—while her other lover, earnest, faithful, and good, stands to lose everything because of his noble qualities.
The Life of Hunger: In a wistful, clever and unusual novel, Amelie Nothomb casts herself as hunger: hunger for experience, hunger for life, hunger for sweetness and, in what is the book’s nucleus, hunger for hunger (the period during which she was afflicted by acute anorexia).  She recounts the formative journeys of her youth, from Tokyo to Peking to Paris to New York,…
Crime & Punishment: The poverty-stricken Raskolnikov, believing he is exempt from moral law, murders a man only to face the consequences not only from society but from his conscience, in this seminal story of justice, morality, and redemption from one of Russia’s greatest novelists.
The Odyssey begins ten years after the end of the ten-year Trojan War, and Odysseus has still not returned home from the war. Odysseus’ son Telemachus is twenty and is sharing his absent father’s house on the island of Ithaca with his mother Penelope and a crowd of 108 boisterous young men, “the Suitors”, whose aim is to persuade Penelope to marry one of them, all the while enjoying the hospitality of Odysseus’ household and eating up his wealth.
Animal Farm: George Orwell’s classic satire of the Russian Revolution is an intimate part of our contemporary culture. It is the account of the bold struggle, initiated by the animals, that transforms Mr. Jones’s Manor Farm into Animal Farm–a wholly democratic society built on the credo that All Animals Are Created Equal.
Charlie & The Chocolate Factory:The gates of Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory are opening at last . . . and only five children will be allowed inside.
The Da Vinci Code: A murder in the silent after-hour halls of the Louvre museum reveals a sinister plot to uncover a secret that has been protected by a clandestine society since the days of Christ.
Around the World in 80 Days:In this all-time favorite, Phileas Fogg and his manservant set out to win a wager by travelling around the world in 80 days. They embark on a fantastic, action-packed journey into a world filled with danger and beauty, from India to the American frontier.
A Brave New World:”Community, Identity, Stability” is the motto of Aldous Huxley’s utopian World State. Here everyone consumes daily grams of soma, to fight depression, babies are born in laboratories, and the most popular form of entertainment is a “Feelie,” a movie that stimulates the senses of sight, hearing, and touch.
The Book Thief: Death himself narrates the World War II-era story of Liesel Meminger from the time she is taken, at age nine, to live in Molching, Germany, with a foster family in a working-class neighborhood of tough kids, acid-tongued mothers, and loving fathers who earn their living by the work of their hands.
Man & Superman:John Tanner, upon discovering that his beautiful ward plans to marry him, flees to the Sierra Nevada mountain range, where he is captured by a group of rebels. Tanner falls asleep, and dreams the famous “Don Juan in Hell” sequence, which features a sparkling Shavian debate among Don Juan, the Devil, and a talkative statue.
The Tell-Tale Heart:It follows an unnamed narrator who insists on his sanity after murderingan old man with a “vulture eye”. The murder is carefully calculated, and the murderer hides the body by dismembering it and hiding it under the floorboards. Ultimately the narrator’s guilt manifests itself in the hallucination that the man’s heart is still beating under the floorboards.
أرني الله: مجموعة قصصية شهيرة يتناول فيها توفيق الحكيم باسلوب فلسفى عميق حياة الانسان الروحية والمادية وهو احدى مؤلفات توفيق الحكيم التى تم اعادة نشرها ضمن مشروع دار الشروق لإعادة
نشر الأعمال الكاملة لأبى المسرح العربى
أولاد حارتنا: كتب أولاد حارتنا التي انتهج فيها أسلوبا رمزيا يختلف عن أسلوبه الواقعي وقد قال عن ذلك في حوار :”.. فهي لم تناقش مشكلة اجتماعية واضحة كما اعتدت في اعمالى قبلها.. بل هي اقرب إلى
.النظرة الكونية الإنسانية العامة.” ولكن لا تخلو هذه الرواية من خلفية اجتماعية فرغم أنها تستوحي من قصص الانبياء إلا أن هدفها ليس سرد حياة الانبياء في قالب روائي
ألم خفيف كريشة طائر ينتقل بهدوء من مكان لآخر: عائلة سكندرية يؤسسها الجد الكبير إبراهيم العائد من شرود طويل في الصحراء وتمتد إلى الكاتب نفسه في جيلها الخامس. هنا تتجاور الحكايات والشخصيات في عالم من الحميمية الأخاذة لتصنع بانوراما أبطالها الراوي والأم والأصدقاء والجيران والزملاء، وهناك في خلفيتها يقف البيت الذي منحه الكاتب حياة جعلت منه شاهدًا على مصائر كل هؤلاء. «ألم خفيف…» هي فصل من تاريخ الإسكندرية، لكنها إسكندرية الناس العاديين الذين نقابلهم طول الوقت وربما لا نعرفهم إلا عندما نقرأ رواية كهذه
عزازيل: تتحدث الرواية عن ترجمة لمجموعة لفائف مكتوبة باللغة السريانية، دفنت ضمن صندوق خشبي محكم الإغلاق في منطقة الخرائب الأثرية حول محيط قلعة القديس سمعان العمودي قرب حلب/سوريا. كُتبت في القرن الخامس الميلادي وعُثر عليها بحالة جيدة ونادرة ،وتم نقلها من اللغة السريانية إلي العربية


After the long vacation of the feast, we’re now rested and ready for action.

Coming soon in a bookstore near you, is Sarah Ayman’s witty and emotionally truthful collection of short stories and thoughts. The stories are inspirational and thought provoking, capable of wrapping the reader in a sense of bliss, especially if accompanied with a cup of coffee and some chocolate. A guilty pleasure that must be read and indulged in, perfect for winter longing and end-of-year nostalgia.

Here’s the synopsis; the description of the book by Sarah Ayman herself :

Little Pearls is about a journey that I had traveled, snapping photos of  feelings, and capturing them into words. Each Story is a single snapshot , and I am trying to analyze the feelings behind every shot.


So, stay tuned 😀


Last Sunday, November seventh, Diwan Zamalek hosted a little get together of “To Each Her Own” writer for a hearty book discussion. Fans and readers came and discussed the book with our very own Inji Amr, who was glad and intrigued by the insightful questions she received.

Other future writers of Saray Publishing also attended; Sarah Ayman, whose book “Little Pearls” should be out very soon and Al Sayed Al Badawy, whose book “El Toota” will be the first Arabic book to be published by Saray.

We were all surprised by an impromptu visit by none other than celebrity Khaled Abou El Naga, who decided to pass by after finding out about the get-together from Twitter. He chatted with the author and was gracious enough to pose for pictures (and even help the camerawoman out with the camera). Thanks Khaled and we hope to see you in other Saray Publishing events 🙂

We’d also like to thank the staff at Diwan Zamalek, who were very helpful and provided us with everything we need.

A treat for our blog readers: Stay tuned for personalized book recommendations by our authors; coming your way soon 😉

The book signing of Inji Amr’s “To Each Her Own” at Diwan Bookstore next to Bibliotheca Alexandrina was a great success. We were joined by many fans and friends, thank you all for coming 😀

The beautiful Alexandria happens to be Inji’s birth city and so she was welcomed with great warmth and  friendliness. Before signing books, Inji read an excerpt of the book. Special thanks goes out to the team of Diwan Alex’s bookstore manager “Ashraf Othman” and his team for making us feel so welcomed (the lemonade was lovely 😀 ).

Please check out the photos of the event, which you can find on the “To Each Her Own” wall; the fabulous photos were taken by the talented Amy El sharaawy.

Other photos of the event can be found here.

Please keep checking our facebook group and page for more updates, something tells me there is a book discussion coming your way real soon 😀

Inji Signing Diwan’s guestbook

Inji with diwan’s bookstore manager “Ashraf Othman” and signing a copy of “To each her own” for Diwan.

We are proud to announce that …Inji Amr’s “To Each Her Own” will participate in the Frankfurt book fair, germany, as part of an international collection of books. 😀

Frankfurt book fair is one of the world’s largest book exhibitions and we are very glad that Inji’s book will be there to represent local Egyptian talent.


Hey Guys,

“To each her own” got reviewed by Cairo360.

Go read the review and comment on their website. Do you agree with the review writer or not?


To Each Her Own is now available in Maadi. The book will be available in Kotob Khan starting tonight, so go grab your copy 😀